말씀-육신 기독론 영어로
영어 번역
- Logos-Sarx-Schema
- 육신 육신 [肉身] =육체.
- 말씀 말씀 words; speech; talk; saying; language. ~대로 at your[his] word / as you say. 친절한 ~ your kind words. ~ 드리다 state / mention / tell / say / relate / inform / report . 인사[사례의] ~을 드리다 express[tender / o
- 사육신 Six martyred ministers
- 성육신) incarnation; embodiment; avatar
- 육신통 Abhijñā
- 말씀하 say
- 다시 육신을 얻은 reincarnate
- 다시 육신을 얻음 reincarnation
- 육신을 입으심 incarnation; embodiment; avatar
- 말씀 하시다 say; talk
- 말씀하다 say; mention; give a speech; respectful verbal form; speak; talk; indicate; express
- 말씀하세요 please say what you have to say; go ahead
- 말씀하시다 say; utter; express verbally; speak; lecture; talk
- 하느님의 말씀 word
- 육신합체 갓마즈 Six God Combination Godmars